Friday, July 18, 2008

max is technically mae...

i know, i'm a slacker big time.

someone needs to hold me accountable for this thing.
lets go get some chai and analyze our lives together via blogspot.
how about it?!

Nordstrom's half yearly... why do you dissapoint me so?
i found nothing of my liking within your abundance of highly fashionable clothing.
maybe next year will bring me as much good fortune as last year.

i did not however come home empty handed!
oh no,
sunglasses and a sweater vest where very insistent on coming home with me.

I added something to my list today.
I'm not sure why it took me so long to add, actually.

play keys for a hardcore band, at a legit show.

yesssss please.

i think my list needs some revising.
like... i have literally done half of it i think.
i am amazing.
not to toot my own horn or anything...
just giving it a little love tap.

i haven't done my penny march in awhile tho...
join me!!!!

one of my songs will be on itunes soon.
another check mark on the list.

we are just on a roll here....

I'm going to go color now!!
ahhh, sounds so good.

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